
QAB(品質保証基準)は、半仕上げと仕上げ済みジュエリーの出来栄えにスポットを当てています。 異物混入を回避する方法など、プラチナ専用のツールを使用して作業する最適な方法を学びます。

Jeweler working with various platinum tools at the bench
Jeweler working at the bench; dedicated containers for platinum tools are visible


Metal ring mandrel resting against a bench pin
Two platinum work brushes; the top brush has natural bristles
Soldering tweezers
Welding lens for platinum use, including a removable cover that is used to provide shade for the lens
Holding a magnet to a platinum ring
Filing a platinum ring with a file
Jeweler using a hammer handpiece to check for loose stones on a pave-set diamond band
Close up of a jeweler holding a ring clamp
Jeweler using a ring stretcher, wrapped with paper, to stretch a band


Tray containing five compartments of platinum polishing compound, and five additional compartments with various wheels and brushes
Hard, cone-shaped wheel and platinum polishing compound polishing the inside of a platinum ring’s peg setting
Abrasive sponge being used on a platinum ring band
Rotary burnisher being used to smooth the inside of a platinum ring shank
Abrasive stick prefinishing a platinum ring’s peg setting
Jeweler using a small abrasive tool to prefinish a platinum ring’s peg setting for a solitaire ring
Four pieces of micro-finishing film wrapped around sanding sticks


Alumina soldering block being used to solder a platinum solitaire ring
Torch with single cone tip being used to solder a platinum ring setting

