Event Series

GIA New York Science Talks Series

Smit Super-large Diamond Image

Join GIA researchers at the GIA New York Science Talk Series as they present their ground-breaking discoveries. GIA's comprehensive research efforts lead the industry by coupling advanced scientific inquiry and field research with the detailed examination of tens of thousands of the diamonds, colored stones and pearls that come through the Institute's laboratories each year. At these sessions, you’ll learn about our cutting edge research and have a chance to ask questions of leading researchers.

The hour-long evening sessions begin at 5:00 p.m. at GIA’s education campus on 50 W 47th Street, New York, NY 10036 on the 8th floor. Refreshments, including wine, will be served. 

The sessions are free and open to the public. Registration in advance is required to attend.

Upcoming Sessions

Schedule to Come
GIA Research Scientist Dr. Chunhui Zhou uncovers what oxygen isotopes in pearls tell us about paleoclimate.

Schedule to Come
GIA Postdoctoral Research Associate Dr. Chloe Peaker talks about transition metals causing gemstone and diamond color.

Past Events

February 19, 2020
GIA Research Scientist Dr. Karen Smit will present research on what natural diamonds indicate about continent formation.

October 30, 2019
GIA Research Scientist Dr. Evan Smith shares his breakthrough research on remarkably large, high-clarity diamonds and what they reveal about Earth’s geology.