Alumni Chapter

Golden Gate Chapter: Colored Gem Challenges with Richard Drucker, GIA GG

What do you need to know when navigating the world of origins and color grading on lab reports? How do treatments affect pricing? Richard Drucker will answer these questions and discuss other challenges in the colored stone market. Drucker will also share insight from the Tucson gem and mineral shows. Come prepared with your questions.
Drucker, president of Gemworld International, Inc., is a GIA Graduate Gemologist; Honorary Fellow of the Gemmological Association of Great Britain; Senior Member of the National Association of Jewelry Appraisers; and Senior Gemologist, Accredited Gemologists Association. A third generation jeweler, Drucker began a pricing publication, now known as the GemGuide, in 1982, which is used in more than 40 countries. He became the owner of GemGuide Appraisal Software in 2002 and in 2014, co-developed the World of Color nomenclature and grading system for colored gemstones. 
Drucker received the Antonio C. Bonanno Excellence in Gemology industry award in 2006. He is a publisher, appraiser, consultant, lecturer and author. Drucker has published six industry books and hosted four international gemological conferences, with a fifth planned for fall 2017.
Come early to take the "Pricing Challenge." We will have gemstones on display and ask you to estimate the price per carat. It's a useful exercise to keep your memory sharp - should be fun!