2018年 GIAグローバルリーダーシッププログラムの参加者 (アルファベット順) : Mike Alexander, Jewelers Mutual Insurance Group; Lita Asscher, Royal Asscher Diamond Company; Rami Baron, Q Report; Rashil Bhansali, Samir Gems Group; Sanat Bhindi, Bhindi Jewelers; Dave Bindra, B & B Fine Gems; Caryl Capeci, Hearts On Fire; Daniel Cohen, Swarovski; Meir Dalumi, Dalumi Group; Rohit Dhamani, Dhamani Group; Brijesh, Dholakia, Hari Krishna Exports Pvt. Ltd.; Shreyans Dholakia, Shree Ramkrishna Exports Pvt. Ltd.; Barb Dutrow, Louisiana State University and GIA Governor; Peter Engel, Fred Meyer & Littman Jewelers; Matthew Fink, Fink's Jewelers; Myriam Gumuchian Schreiber, Gumuchian; Michelle Ickowics, Rapaport Diamond Corporation; Tom Insley, Dermata Therapeutics and GIA Governor; Alex Johnson, Diamond Cellar Holdings, LLC; Sudhir Kakadia, Sheetal Group USA, Inc.; Dennis Kao, Platinum Guild International (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.; Leanne Kemp, Everledger; Robert Kempler, Richline Group, Inc.; Anish Kothari, Diamond Jewelx India Pvt. Ltd.; Lowell Kwiat, Kwiat; Marvin Ma, Lee Heng Diamond Group; Anna Martin, GIA; Tim Matthews, Jewelry Television; Stefan Mayer, Heinz Mayer; Parish Mehta, Shinestones, Inc.; Nathalie Moro, DIACORE; Tom Moses, GIA; Niveet Nagpal, Omi Gems, Inc.; Pritesh Patel, GIA; Dhara Piyush Patel, Dharmanandan Diamonds Pvt. Ltd.; David Rotenberg, David Craig Jewelers; Armil Sammoon, Sapphire Capital Group; Abhishek Shah, IDD USA LLC; Parva Shah, Ankit Gems Pvt. Ltd.; Michael Steinmetz, Leo Schachter New York; Ichiro Uchihara, Uchihara Group; Smit Virani, KARP; Stanley Zale, Stuller, Inc.