Gem News International Gems & Gemology, Fall 2005, Volume 41, No. 3

Fall 2005 Gem News International

            Gem Mosaics of Faceted Diamonds
Colored Stones and Organic Materials
            An Unusual Emerald with Conical Growth Features
            Fuchsite-Corundum Rock from Bahia, Brazil
            Pen Shell Pearls—Nacreous and Non-Nacreous
            New Sapphires from Tamil Nadu, India
            Tenebrescent Scapolite from Afghanistan
Inclusions in Gems
            “Medusa Quartz” with Gilalite Inclusions
Synthetics and Simulants
            Fake Aquamarine Crystals from Mogok
            More Faked Inclusions in Brazilian Quartz
            Natural Pearl with “Orient-Like” Coating
            Fibrolite (Sillimanite) Dyed and Impregnated to Imitate Ruby
Conference Reports
            Applied Diamond Conference 2005
            Historic U.S. Sapphire and Benitoite Mines Close
            Mineralien Hamburg
            Visit Gems & Gemology in Tucson
            CGA Gemmology Conference 2005
            Cameos at the Met
            Pearls at the Tokyo National Science Museum
In Memorium
            Cornelius S. Hurlbut, Jr. (1906-2005), contributor and Editorial Review Board member
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