Discoveries Unfold at GIA’s Symposium
Leading researchers to share their latest findings
CARLSBAD, Calif. – July 13, 2018 – Objective and independent scientific research is critical to understanding the impact of new gem discoveries, treatments, identification techniques and evolving technologies in the gem and jewelry industry. Leading researchers in geology, mineralogy, diamond formation and related fields will present their latest findings at GIA’s International Gemological Symposium, Oct. 7-9, 2018 in Carlsbad, California.
- Dr. Saleem Ali, senior fellow at Columbia University’s Center on Sustainable Investment and director of the Gemstones and Sustainable Development Knowledge Hub at the University of Delaware, will discuss “Gemstones and Sustainable Livelihoods: From Mines to Markets.”
- Dr. Barbara Dutrow, the Adolphe G. Gueymard Distinguished Professor in the department of geology and geophysics at Louisiana State University and a member of the GIA Board of Governors, will examine “Tourmaline: A Gemstone’s Guide to Geologic Evolution.”
- Dr. Lee Groat, professor in the department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of British Columbia and editor of The Canadian Mineralogist, will present “Scientific Study of Colored Gem Deposits and Modern Fingerprinting Methods.”
- Dr. Andrey Katrusha will present “Growing Ultra-Large Synthetic Diamonds with HPHT Methods.” He is a world-leading specialist in the field of growing large and ultra-large synthetic diamonds at high pressure and high temperature.
- Dr. D. Graham Pearson, a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and a professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Alberta, will explore new technologies and techniques in his presentation “Modern Advances in the Understanding of Diamond Formation.”
- Dr. Evan Smith, a research scientist at GIA, will discuss “The Formation of Natural Type IIa & IIb Diamonds.”
- Dr. Daniel Twitchen, sales director for CVD synthetic diamonds at Element Six (E6), will address “Synthetic CVD Diamonds.”
In addition to the seven keynote speakers, there will be various presentations on gemological research. The research presentations at Symposium will focus on seven themes – colored stones and pearls, diamond geology, diamond identification, gem characterization, general gemology and jewelry, gem localities and gem formation, and new technologies and techniques.
Those themes will also be addressed in a significant poster session with more than 60 participants presenting research abstracts on topics ranging from The use of Endangered Species in Jewelry to The Impact of Fluorescence on diamond Marketability. Symposium attendees will be able to interact with the poster presenters during the sessions.
Abstracts for all oral and poster presentations will be published in the Fall 2018 issue of Gems & Gemology.
Professors from the Harvard Business School (HBS) will lead a track on business concepts and innovations, using the renowned case-study method employed in all HBS programs. The Symposium will close with “Futurescape Forum” – a landmark event where industry leaders will deliberate their unfiltered predictions on the horizon for the gem and jewelry industry.
To register and for more information on the program, related events and hotel accommodations, visit