Spring 2011 G&G Book Reviews
By Hubert Bari and David Lam, 336 pp., illus., publ. by Skira Editore [www.skira.net], Milan, Italy, 2010. US$85.00
“Terra Spinel Terra Firma”
By Vladyslav Y. Yavorsky with Richard W. Hughes, 204 pp., illus., privately published [www.spinelbook.com], 2010. US$95.00
“Colour of Paradise: The Emerald in the Age of Gunpowder Empires”
By Kris E. Lane, 280 pp., illus., publ. by Yale University Press [www.yalepress.yale.edu], New Haven, CT, and London, 2010. US$40.00
“Twentieth-Century Jewellery: From Art Nouveau to Contemporary Design in Europe and the United States”
By Alba Cappellieri, 248 pp., illus., publ. by Skira Editore [www.skira. net], Milan, 2010. US$85.00
“Jewellery from the Orient: Treasures from the Bir Collection”
By Wolf-Dieter Siewert, 320 pp., illus., publ. by Arnoldsche Art Publishers [www.arnoldsche.com], Stuggart, Germany, 2009. US$85.00
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