A Fancy black round brilliant diamond has an inclusion that is revealed to be a natural diamond crystal.
詳細を読むThe GIA Diamond Dossier® is going fully digital on January 2, 2023. More secure and convenient than ever before, it will be accessible anytime, anywhere with the touch of a finger.
詳細を読むThe Global Diamond Industry: Economics and Development Volume II(世界のダイヤモンド産業:経済と発展 第二巻)の書評。Roman GrynbergおよびLetsema Mbayiによる編集。
詳細を読むスミソニアン博物館で最も人気のある展示物の一つである、見事なファンシーダーク・グレイッシュ・ブルーのHope Diamond(ホープダイヤモンド)は、GIAのジェムラボラトリーが正式にグレードしました。
詳細を読むThe annual Tucson shows always provide an illuminating window into the world of colored gem supply and demand
詳細を読むGemological testing reveals color change in CVD synthetic diamond.
詳細を読むThe New York lab discovers synthetic moissanite in a colored diamond bracelet.
詳細を読むA report from the Second International Diamond School, held in Brixen, Italy in January 2015.