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Showing 2 结果 for "synthetic corrundum"
Figure 1. One of GIA’s new LA-ICP-MS corundum calibration standards sets (set number 1); the epoxy disk containing the set is 1.5 inches in diameter. NIST SRM 610 and 612 glass standards are included to account for trace and non-trace elements, such as those found in inclusions, that were not incorporated into the synthetic sapphire crystals grown for standards. Photo by Jennifer Stone-Sundberg.

介绍了一组由 GIA 研制的刚玉标准,用以提高激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱仪 (LA-ICP-MS) 的精度与效率。


Gems & Gemology(《宝石与宝石学》)2009 年期刊摘要标题
摘要;2009 年夏

本文摘自《宝石与宝石学》(Gems & Gemology) 2009 年夏季刊,是《宝石与宝石学》(Gems & Gemology) 外部发表的重要宝石学相关文章的摘要汇编。
