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1902年 Kelch Rocaille 彩蛋。 7个Kelch彩蛋都是由Michael Perchin(迈克尔·帕其)设计而成,他是圣彼得堡Faberge(法贝热)的第二位领班。 高度:12 厘米,长度:14 厘米。 Alexander Kelch(亚历山大·克尔希) 赠予其爱妻 Barbara Kelch-Bazonova(芭芭拉·克尔希-布洛瓦)。 图片由休斯顿自然科学博物馆提供。
书评:《从雪花到冰山:McFerrin 藏品》 (From a Snowflake to an Iceberg: The McFerrin Collection)

作者:Dorothy McFerrin,出版方: McFerrin Foundation,得克萨斯州大学城,2013 年,售价:125 美元


G&G 2007 年秋季刊书评

《Adventures at the Bench: Tricks to Overcome a Jeweler’s Daily Challenges》(镶工探险:克服珠宝匠每日挑战的技巧);《Jeweled Garden: A Colorful History of Gems, Jewels, and Nature》(宝石花园:宝石、宝石和大自然的多彩历史);《Pedras Preciosas No Arte e Devoção: Tesouros Gemológicos na Arquidiocese de Évora》(艺术和奉献中的珍贵宝石:埃武拉大主教管区的宝石珍宝);《Shamelessly: Jewelry from Kenneth Jay Lane》(厚颜:来自 Kenneth Jay Lane 的珠宝);《Costume Jewelry for Haute Couture》(高级时装的人造珠宝);《Pearl Oyster Information Bulletin, No. 17》(珍珠牡蛎信息公告,第 17 号);《The Jeweled Menagerie: The World of Animals in Gems》(宝石动物园:世界动物宝石);《Kimberlite and Related Rocks of India》(印度金伯利岩和相关的岩石);《Paraíba Tourmaline:Electric Blue Brilliance Burnt into Our Minds》((帕拉伊巴碧玺:烙入思想的铁蓝色光辉);《The Geology of Gem Deposits》(宝石矿床地质学)


G&G 1994 年春季刊书评

《Gemstone and Chemicals: How to Create Color and Inclusions》(宝石和化学制品:如何创建颜色和内含物);《The Properties of Natural and Synthetic Diamond》(天然与合成钻石的属性);《Mineral Reference Manual》(矿物参考手册);《A Special Report from JPR on the Bold Retro 1940s Jewelry》(JPR 对 20 世纪 40 年代复古珠宝的特殊报告)


G&G 2006 年夏季刊书评

《The Heartless Stone: A Journey through the World of Diamonds, Deceit and Desire》(无情的宝石:钻石世界之旅,欺骗与欲望);《Making the Most of Your Flex-shaft》(让您的马达轴心发挥最大功效);《Charming: The Magic of Charm Jewelry》(魅力:魅力珠宝的魔力);《Bedazzled: 5,000 Years of Jewelry》(眼花缭乱:珠宝 5000 年);《Modernist Jewelry, 1930–1960: The Wearable Art Movement》(现代珠宝,1930-1960:可穿戴的艺术运动)


G&G 2002 年春季刊书评

《Christie’s Guide to Jewellery》(佳士得珠宝指南);《The Theory & Practice of Goldsmithing》(打金理论与实践);《Fabergé Eggs: A Retrospective Encyclopedia》(法贝热沙皇彩蛋:回顾性百科全书);《Colored Gemstones: The Antoinette Matlins Buying Guide》(有色宝石:Antoinette Matlins 购物指南);《Diamonds: The Antoinette Matlins Buying Guide》(钻石:Antoinette Matlins 购物指南);《The Gem Hunter in Afghanistan》(阿富汗的珠宝猎人)


《宝石与宝石学》2005 年冬季刊书评

“Crystals: Growth, Morphology and Perfection”(《晶体:生长、形态及完善》);“The Gem Merchant: How to Be One, How to Deal with One, 2nd Edition”(《宝石商:如何成为宝石商及成功经营》第 2 版),“Arts and Crafts to Art Deco: The Jewellery and Silver of H. G. Murphy”(《工艺美术装饰艺术:H. G. Murphy 的金银首饰》);“Daniel Swarovski: A World of Beauty”(《丹尼尔·施华洛世奇:美的世界》)


G&G 2004 年秋季刊书评

《Blood from Stones: The Secret Financial Network of Terror》(宝石液:恐怖的秘密财经网);《Starting to Collect Antique Jewellery》(开始收集古董珠宝);《Starting to Collect Antique Silver》(开始收集古银);《Within the Stone》(宝石之内);《Gems and Jewels: A Connoisseur’s Guide》(宝石和珠宝:行家指南);《The Tourmaline》(碧玺);《The History of Mount Mica》(云母山历史)


G&G 2006 年春季刊书评

《Photoatlas of Inclusions in Gemstones, Volume 2》(宝石内含物图鉴(第 2 卷));《Schmuck Jewellery(1840-1940 年):Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim》;《Working with Gemstones: A Bench Jeweler’s Guide》( 宝石加工操作:镶工指南)


G&G 2005 年春季刊书评

《Understanding Jewellery, 3rd Edition》(了解珠宝(第三版);《Collecting Fluorescent Minerals》(收集荧光矿物);《50-Year History of the Tucson Show》(图森展的 50 年发展史);《The Grandmasters of Mineral Photography》(矿物摄影的特级大师);《Tone Vigeland: Jewellery + Sculpture Movements in Silver》(Tone Vigeland:珠宝 + 银制雕塑);《The Tourmaline: A Monograph》(碧玺:专刊);


《宝石与宝石学》2004 年冬季刊书评

“Bernd Munsteiner: Reflexionen in Stein [Reflections in Stone]”(《Bernd Munsteiner:宝石之沉思》);“Illustrated Guide to Jewelry Appraising, 3rd Edition”(《珠宝评优图解指南》,第 3 版);“Magic World: Inclusions in Quartz”(《魔幻世界:石英中的世界》);“Minerals: Their Constitution and Origin”(《矿物:构成和起源》);“Rocks Pebbles and Stones: Confessions of a Private Jeweler”(《岩石粒与宝石:私人珠宝商的自白》)
