质量保证基准重点强调半成品和成品铂金珠宝的工艺。 这些例子展示了用来评估铂金镶爪和镶座的质量和坚固性的方法。




Perspective view of a platinum solitaire with diamonds set in the shank. This same ring is also shown in a side view, with the loose diamond positioned above the mounting.
Close-up side view of the platinum solitaire, with the loose stone positioned above the mounting.
Close-up side view of the platinum solitaire, with the loose stone set into the too-small setting.

这个铂金镶座采用压模技术打造而成。 这些镶爪由压模从片料中切下,进行组装,然后用电炉进行焊接。 制造完成后,使用焊炬将它们焊接至镶座。

Perspective view of die-struck platinum solitaire

现实生活中的后果:这是一个真实的故事,但细节部分有所出入。 一位零售商设计并制作了一个专门定制的铂金镶座,用来镶嵌 22.50 克拉的圆形明亮式钻石。 这枚戒指由 90% 的铂金和 10% 的铱全手工打造而成,这是所有铂合金中最柔软、可塑性最好的合金之一。

Close-up view of a platinum solitaire setting of the 22.50 carat stone, with the prongs set with baguettes.
Close-up view of a platinum solitaire setting of a 22.50 carat stone, with the prongs set with baguettes.

现实生活中的后果:和使用了特定规格以实现安全镶嵌的戒指相比,这款戒指最初的定制镶座设计显示出了极大的脆弱性。 对于要镶嵌 22.5 克拉钻石的镶座来说,应尽量降低宝石脱落的可能性。

Two illustrations side-by-side: the first is the original ring’s mounting, and the second a mounting illustrating the parameters for a secure setting, including proper prong contact, prong angle, and gallery height.
Two illustrations side-by-side: the first is the original ring’s mounting, and the second a mounting illustrating the parameters for a secure setting, including proper prong contact, prong angle, and gallery height.

