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新闻稿 (3)



The Board of Governors met in November at the GIA World Headquarters in Carlsbad, CA. Pictured from left, seated: Barbara A. Sawrey, Ph.D., Lawrence Ma, Barbara Lee Dutrow, Ph.D., Robert Andrew ‘Andy’ Johnson, Thomas T. Yang, Karen Evans; standing: Elliot Tannenbaum, Thomas H. Insley, Lisa A. Locklear, Thomas M. Moses, Board Chair Dione D. Kenyon, Susan M. Jacques, Amit Dhamani, John W. Valley, Ph.D. and Stephen F. Kahler. Not pictured: Glenn R. Nord.
GIA 理事会欢迎三位新成员

加利福尼亚州卡尔斯巴德 — 11 月 8 日 — GIA(美国宝石研究院)在 11 月举办的理事会会议上欢迎三位新成员加入理事会,并向三位完成任期的成员告别。


GIA education staff accepts the ACCSC School of Excellence Award. Pictured from left: Elizabeth Brehmer, director of jewelry manufacturing arts operations; Vusala Aranjo, manager of global education accreditation and regulatory affairs and Title IX coordinator; Brenda Harwick, manager of on-campus and lab gemology instruction; Susan Johnson, director of education accreditation and regulatory affairs; Vickie Clements, ACCSC Commissioner; Kimberly Overlin, dean of students; Kelly Yantzer, director of global education standards; Jennifer Kim, campus manager; Susan Elliott, director of education resources. Photo courtesy of ACCSC.
GIA 卡尔斯巴德校区被评为 2017 年度职业学院认证委员会 (ACCSC) 优秀学校奖

加利福尼亚州卡尔斯巴德 — 2017 年 11 月 2 日 — GIA(美国宝石研究院)卡尔斯巴德校区被评为 2017 年度职业学院认证委员会 (ACCSC) 优秀学校。


Dr. John W. Valley, GIA Governor and professor at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, was honored at the October 2017 meeting of the Geological Society of America. Photo by Eric Welch/GIA.
GIA 理事 John W. Valley(约翰·W.威利)博士在 GSA 会议上荣获表彰

加利福尼亚州卡尔斯巴德 — 2017 年 10 月 31 日 — GIA 理事会成员 John W. Valley(约翰·W.威利)博士在 2017 年 10 月举办的美国地质协会 (GSA) 会议上荣获表彰。
